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How to Enjoy the Best Fruits for Weight Loss and Health Benefits

Fruits are good for losing weight because they have few calories, lots of fiber, and many vitamins and minerals. They can also make you feel full and help you with your sweet tooth. Here are some of the best fruits for losing weight, based on how many calories, sugar, fiber, and water they have.

  • Watermelon: This fruit is very juicy and has only 30 calories for every 100g. It is mostly water, 91%. It can help you drink enough water and eat less. Watermelon also has lycopene, a strong substance that may keep you safe from cancer and heart problems¹.
  • Strawberry: This fruit is also very juicy and has 32 calories for every 100g. It is also mostly water, 91%. It has a lot of vitamin C, which can make your immune system and skin better. Strawberries do not make your blood sugar go up too much. They also have anthocyanins, substances that may make your insulin work better and lower swelling².
  • Grapefruit: This fruit is sour and has 37 calories for every 100g. It is mostly water, 88%. It has a lot of vitamin C and naringenin, a substance that may make your cholesterol and blood pressure lower. Grapefruit may help you lose weight in some studies, because it may make your body burn more calories and make you eat less³⁴.
  • Honeydew: This fruit is sweet and has 36 calories for every 100g. It is mostly water, 90%. It has a lot of vitamin C and potassium, which can help you balance your fluids and blood pressure. Honeydew has a lot of water, which can make you feel full and avoid getting thirsty.
  • Papaya: This fruit is orange and has 43 calories for every 100g. It is mostly water, 88%. It has a lot of vitamin C, vitamin A, and folate, which can help your immune system and eyes. Papaya has papain, a thing that can help you break down protein and make your stomach feel better. Papaya does not make your blood sugar go up too much.
  • Blackberry: This fruit is dark and has 43 calories for every 100g. It is mostly water, 88%. It has a lot of fiber, 5.3g for every 100g, which can make you feel full and make your cholesterol lower. Blackberries have a lot of antioxidants, such as anthocyanins, ellagic acid, and quercetin, which may keep you from getting damaged by bad things and getting sick.
  • Orange: This fruit is round and has 47 calories for every 100g. It is mostly water, 87%. It has a lot of vitamin C, which can make your immune system and skin better. Oranges do not make your blood sugar go up too much. They also have hesperidin, a substance that may make your blood vessels work better and lower your blood pressure.
  • Apple: This fruit is crunchy and has 48 calories for every 100g. It is mostly water, 86%. It has a lot of fiber, 2.4g for every 100g, which can make you feel full and help your digestion. Apples have polyphenols, such as quercetin and phloridzin, which may make your blood sugar lower and stop fat from building up .
  • Raspberry: This fruit is red and has 52 calories for every 100g. It is mostly water, 86%. It has a lot of fiber, 6.5g for every 100g, which can make you feel full and make your cholesterol lower. Raspberries have a lot of antioxidants, such as anthocyanins, ellagic acid, and resveratrol, which may keep you from getting cancer and getting old.
  • Blueberry: This fruit is blue and has 57 calories for every 100g. It is mostly water, 84%. It has a lot of fiber, 2.4g for every 100g, which can make you feel full and make your cholesterol lower. Blueberries have a lot of antioxidants, such as anthocyanins, pterostilbene, and proanthocyanidins, which may make your brain and memory better .

These are some of the best fruits for losing weight, but you can also eat other fruits that have few calories and lots of vitamins and minerals, such as mango, kiwifruit, jujube, banana, passion fruit, olive, and avocado. Fruits can be eaten fresh, frozen, dried, or cooked, and you can put them in salads, smoothies, yogurt, oatmeal, or desserts. Just remember to eat them not too much and mix them with other good foods, such as vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats. Fruits can help you lose weight, but they are not a magic solution. You still need to eat less calories and exercise more to reach your weight loss goals.

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