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Yoga for Weight Loss at Home for Female: 9 Effective Poses and Their Benefits

Yoga Routine for Losing Weight at Home for Female: What You Need to Know

Yoga is a whole practice that can help you lose weight, be healthier, and feel better. Yoga can help you use calories, make your muscles stronger, lower stress, and be more aware. But, to get the best results, you need to do a steady and balanced yoga routine that fits your needs and goals.

Here is a possible yoga routine for losing weight at home for female that you can do for four weeks. It has three yoga times per week, with one rest day between each time. You will need a yoga mat, a towel, and a water bottle. You can also use a yoga block, a strap, or a bolster to change the poses as needed.

Time A

  • Warm-up: 5 minutes of breathing exercises, such as Kapalbhati¹ or Nadi Shodhana², to clean and make your body and mind stronger.
  • Sun Salutation: 10 times of Surya Namaskar³, a series of 12 poses that makes your whole body stretch and stronger, and makes your metabolism and blood flow faster.
  • Standing Poses: 5 minutes of standing poses, such as Warrior I, Warrior II, Triangle, and Side Angle, to work on your legs, hips, core, and arms, and make your balance and movement better.
  • Seated Poses: 5 minutes of seated poses, such as Forward Bend, Seated Twist, and Butterfly, to stretch your back, spine, legs, and groin, and massage your stomach and lower organs.
  • Relaxation: 5 minutes of Savasana, or Corpse Pose, to relax your body and mind, and get the good things of the practice.

Time B

  • Warm-up: 5 minutes of breathing exercises, such as Kapalbhati¹ or Nadi Shodhana², to clean and make your body and mind stronger.
  • Moon Salutation: 10 times of Chandra Namaskar, a series of 14 poses that makes your body and mind calm and balanced, and makes your female energy better.
  • Balancing Poses: 5 minutes of balancing poses, such as Tree, Eagle, and Half Moon, to work on your legs, hips, core, and arms, and make your focus and attention better.
  • Inverted Poses: 5 minutes of inverted poses, such as Shoulder Stand, Plow, and Legs Up the Wall, to change the blood flow, make your thyroid and pituitary glands work better, and lower stress and tiredness.
  • Relaxation: 5 minutes of Savasana, or Corpse Pose, to relax your body and mind, and get the good things of the practice.

Time C

  • Warm-up: 5 minutes of breathing exercises, such as Kapalbhati¹ or Nadi Shodhana², to clean and make your body and mind stronger.
  • Core Strengthening: 10 minutes of core strengthening poses, such as Boat, Plank, Side Plank, and Locust, to work on your stomach and back muscles, and help your posture and spine.
  • Backbending Poses: 5 minutes of backbending poses, such as Cobra, Bow, Camel, and Bridge, to stretch your chest, shoulders, and spine, and open your heart and lungs.
  • Twisting Poses: 5 minutes of twisting poses, such as Half Lord of the Fishes, Noose, and Revolved Triangle, to squeeze out your inside organs, clean your body, and make your digestion and metabolism better.
  • Relaxation: 5 minutes of Savasana, or Corpse Pose, to relax your body and mind, and get the good things of the practice.

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