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RILA reiterated its support for both the Marketplace Fairness Act (MFA) and the Internet Tax Freedom Act (ITFA)

Arlington , VA,  2014-7-16 — /EPR Retail News/ — The Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) today reiterated its support for both the Marketplace Fairness Act (MFA) and the Internet Tax Freedom Act (ITFA). Legislation combining the two bills was introduced last night as the Marketplace and Internet Tax Fairness Act (MITFA). Bill Hughes, Executive Vice President for Government Affairs, issued the following statement regarding the combination of the legislation in the Senate.

“Retailers support keeping Internet access tax free while closing the online loophole that essentially subsidizes online-only retailers against their brick and mortar competitors. It’s time for the government to take its thumb off the scale and give all retailers a fair shot to compete in the free market.

“Congress has a unique opportunity to support continued growth of the digital economy while giving local businesses a boost by leveling the playing field and removing artificial advantages in the market.

“Given the overwhelming bipartisan vote on the Marketplace Fairness Act in the Senate and near-universal support in the House for ITFA, it seems obvious that these issues can and should be resolved together this year.”


Jason Brewer
Vice President, Communications & Advocacy
Phone: 703-600-2050

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