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Tesco to pay its British dairy farmers 28.69 ppl for their fresh milk

CHESHUNT, England, 2016-Apr-05 — /EPR Retail News/ — Tesco has today confirmed that for three months from 1st May, it will pay its British dairy farmers 28.69 ppl for their fresh milk, through the Tesco Sustainable Dairy Group (TSDG).

The TSDG, which was set up in 2007 to address the uncertainty faced by British dairy farmers caused by volatility in the markets, has continued to be integral to how the retailer has created sustainable and fair partnerships with producers, growers and farmers across British Agriculture.

The largest of its kind in the retail industry, the group comprises of around 600 farmers, who supply Tesco directly with own-brand fresh and filtered milk products and share Tesco’s aim to deliver the best possible quality milk for customers.

Since its establishment, the pricing mechanism of the groups has ensured that Tesco continues to pay a price for the milk that is buys, that reflects at least the cost of production for dairy farmers. The guaranteed price, which will be reviewed every quarter to ensure that it correctly corresponds with the current market conditions for producers, helps farmers to budget, invest and plan for the future. Calculated by the independent consultancy-Promar – the price paid by Tesco reflects the average cost of production of all members of the sustainable dairy group.

The price, which is always agreed in collaboration with farmers from the group, is completely independent from the retail price for milk.  Customers can be assured that every pint of own-brand milk they buy from Tesco supports a TSDG farmer, helping to deliver a sustainable future for the British dairy industry.

Tesco Commercial Director for Fresh Food Matt Simister said:

‘The TSDG continues to be the cornerstone of the way we partner with British Agriculture. For almost a decade we have worked with our dairy farmers to provide the best possible quality British milk, produces to the highest standards for our customers, whilst ensuring farmers receive a fair price.

‘We know that our customers want us to support dairy farmers during this period of economic uncertainty. And through our direct partnerships with producers, customers can been assured that every pint of own-brand milk they buy from Tesco, offers valuable security for a TSDG farmer’

TSDG Farmer and Committee Chairman James Stephen said: 

‘I have been farming for many years and have seen first-hand how volatile the industry has and continues to be.

‘The Tesco Sustainable Dairy Group  provides  confidence to plan for the future, so we can focus on the things that matter most to customers- delivering high quality British milk, with high animal welfare and farm standards.’

The new price covers all Tesco own-brand fresh & filtered milk (1, 2, 4, 6 pint and 1 and 2 litre – excluding organic milk); single, double & extra thick double cream (150, 300, 600 ml) products and mature & extra mature cheddar.

Notes to editors

  • The new price is following an independent cost tracker review by agriculture research consultancy Promar. Tesco pays a price for milk that reflects the cost of production, calculated from costs submitted to Promar.
  • The new price, which is 1.39ppl lower than the previous 6 months’ price, takes into consideration a reduction in the cost of feed and rising milk volumes and will be reviewed every three months

For more information please contact the Tesco Press Office on 01707 918 701
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