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Colruyt Group offers in-depth information on house brand food products with the launch of “Product Finder” website

Colruyt Group offers in-depth information on house brand food products with the launch of “Product Finder” website


Halle, Belgium, 2017-Sep-21 — /EPR Retail News/ — Today (September 20, 2017), Colruyt Group is launching their unique website “Product Finder”. This digital platform offers in-depth information about the group’s house brand food products, including Boni Selection and Everyday, which are available at Colruyt, OKay, Bio-Planet, Spar Colruyt Group, and Collect & Go stores.  Consumers can use filters to quickly find the house brand products that match their diets. This will not only make things easier for people who suffer from allergies or intolerances, but also for everyone looking for reliable information about ingredients and nutritional value, or information about sustainability. This is a new step towards the group’s goals to inform customers as openly as possible about the existing product range and to support them in making conscious food choices.

Based on the clients’ experience
In developing this digital platform (, Colruyt Group drew inspiration from the diverse needs, expectations, and motivations that today’s consumers have. Frans Colruyt, COO at Colruyt Group: “We live in complex times: we are being bombarded with information, which can lead to uncertainty and confusion. At the same time, more and more people want or have to make more conscious choices when it comes to their food, either for their own well-being, or because they want to create a better world. That is why we want to provide consumers better access to transparent and reliable product information through this platform.”

Product Finder offers the most complete information about the house brand products available in Colruyt Group’s food stores: Everyday, Boni Selection, Graindor coffee, appetizers, and liquor. “We specifically chose the house brand products because their product information comes from our own, internal quality service and food specialists. We currently provide more information about our house brand products than is legally necessary”, says Frans Colruyt. By using search parameters such as ingredients, name, keywords, and bar code, consumers are able to quickly find those house brand products that meet they personal nutritional needs.

Guide for food allergies or intolerances

With Product Finder, Colruyt Group primarily focuses on nutritional profiles that need reliable information. The website specifically caters to people with food allergies or intolerances: they can search for the fourteen current legitimate allergens. The platform, which is always being updated, will at a later date cater to people whose diet is either vegetarian or vegan. Frans Colruyt: “This website is utterly unique. It allows people to search for specific products within our range – gluten free biscuits, for example, or ready meals that don’t contain egg. We’ve made it very easy to make choices that fit within people’s individual diet. This kind of extra service for the consumer is how we want to fulfil our societal role as a retailer.”

Transparent and in-depth product information

In addition to general information about health, allergens, and intolerances, Product Finder also provides news about the origins and sustainability of the group’s house brand products. Frans Colruyt: “This is our way of very openly providing more in-depth product information. It allows us to indicate for each product how, for instance, its nutritional composition has been changed – we have been decreasing the amounts of salt, sugar, and fat in our house brand products.”

Consumers can also register to take part in comparative product taste tests. This allows them to give feedback on the make-up of new products, or whether they enjoy how existing products have been altered.

“The website is a perfect addition to existing apps”

Product Finder is not Colruyt Group’s first time reaching out to help consumers in their food choices. In 2016, the app SmartWithFood was launched, where all products of the Colruyt Group food shops have been included. This nifty app allows customers to scan bar codes in the stores, and informs them about the product’s composition and possible alternatives.

They also have the MyColruyt app. This is an application that helps customers to make smart grocery lists, allowing them to input preferences, such as “gluten free”. Recipes and products that are gluten free are indicated with a “thumbs up” icon.

“While MyColruyt is more of a ‘shopping buddy’, SmartWithFood focuses on product information that is ‘on the spot’. Product Finder is an even larger, general database that customers can look at before they even do their shopping. This way, the three digital tools perfectly complement each other”, concludes Frans Colruyt.

Hanne Poppe
+32 (0)2 363 55 45
+32 (0)473 92 45 10

Source: Colruyt Group


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