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How to Get Bigger Arms with These 5 Best Tricep Workouts

The American Council on Exercise (ACE) says that the best tricep exercises are the ones that work on all three parts of the triceps: the long, side, and middle parts¹. Some of the most popular and effective tricep exercises are:

  • Diamond push-ups: This exercise works on all three parts of the triceps muscle and is the best way to do that¹. To do a diamond push-up, put your hands close to each other on the floor, making a diamond shape with your pointer fingers and thumbs. Keep your body straight and go down until your chest touches your hands, then go back up².
  • Triceps kickbacks: This move also works on all three parts of the triceps, but not as much as the diamond push-up¹. This exercise is also easier, so it may be better for beginners than push-ups. To do a triceps kickback, hold a weight in one hand and lean your upper body forward. Keep your elbow near your body and move your arm back until it is straight, then go back to the start. Do the same with the other arm².
  • Triceps dips: This exercise works on the long and side parts of the triceps more than the middle part¹. To do a triceps dip, use a bench, chair, or dip station and put your hands on the edge, shoulder-width apart. Stretch your legs in front of you and go down until your elbows are at a right angle, then go back up².
  • Overhead triceps extensions: This exercise focuses on the long part of the triceps, which is often ignored in other exercises¹. To do an overhead triceps extension, hold a weight in both hands and lift it over your head. Keep your elbows near your ears and bend your arms until the weight is behind your head, then straighten your arms and go back to the start².
  • Cable push-downs: This exercise works on the side part of the triceps, which gives the muscle its shape¹. To do a cable push-down, connect a straight or angled bar to a high pulley and hold it with an overhand grip, shoulder-width apart. Keep your elbows near your sides and push the bar down until your arms are straight, then go back to the start².

These are some of the best tricep exercises that you can do at home or at the gym. You can also try other ways, such as using different grips, angles, or resistance. For more details, you can look at the links below. I hope this helps you reach your fitness goals.
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