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Wincor Nixdorf commissioned by zeb to take over the central operations management of its IT infrastructure

Paderborn, Germany, 2014-11-14— /EPR Retail News/ — Wincor Nixdorf has been commissioned by zeb, a leading consulting company in the financial services sector, with taking over the central operations management of its IT infrastructure from October 1, 2014. The contract is due to run for up to seven years.

As an outsourcing partner, Wincor Nixdorf is therefore responsible for the operation and further development of an important part of zeb’s information technology. Wincor Nixdorf is transferring all central infrastructures and solutions to its own data centers in Paderborn and continuously optimizing technologies and IT processes to ensure sustainably efficient IT operations.

In detail, the services include the operation of two redundant data centers, about 450 server systems and more than 1,000 workstations, the provision and updating of software and applications for these systems, basic SAP operation as well as the operation of databases, the network and all communications facilities. In addition, Wincor Nixdorf has set up a user help desk for queries and problems. The services are being provided by Wincor Nixdorf’s sites in Paderborn, Bonn and Prague.

“By commissioning Wincor Nixdorf, zeb has taken precisely the step it always recommends to its customers: focusing on one’s own core competencies. More flexible IT costs, professional and secure IT operations and the fast use of innovative solutions are the main benefits in our eyes,” explained Andreas Schick, partner and CIO of zeb.

Richard Schlauri, Vice President at Wincor Nixdorf and responsible for global outsourcing and Managed Services, sees the conclusion of this contract as confirmation of Wincor Nixdorf’s extensive solution expertise in the banking sector: “This new order shows that Wincor Nixdorf is becoming a recognized specialist for the management of complex IT outsourcing projects.”

About zeb
Currently, zeb has more than 900 employees working at 18 locations in Germany, Denmark, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Austria, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Ukraine and Hungary. The group is one of the leading consulting companies for the financial services sector. Customers include both national and international banks, savings banks, Volksbank and Raiffeisenbank institutions as well as insurance companies.


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