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Co-op Food Stores across Saskatchewan will distribute the Real Dirt on Farming publication in grocery bags

Saskatoon, Canada, 2015-10-8 — /EPR Retail News/ — Farm & Food Care Saskatchewan (FFC SK) is taking its mission to engage consumers in a conversation about food and farming directly to grocery store shoppers this month.

From October 9-15, more than 150 Co-op Food Stores across Saskatchewan will distribute the Real Dirt on Farming publication in grocery bags. The initiative is sponsored by Federated Co-operatives Limited on behalf of the Co-operative Retailing System and is part of a larger awareness campaign FFC SK is launching in October to mark Agriculture Month in Saskatchewan.

“Today, only two percent of Canadians have a direct link to the farm, so it’s important that we help connect consumers to their food and how it is produced,” said Adele Buettner, CEO of FFC SK. “With its longstanding presence in and commitment to Saskatchewan communities, Co-op is a natural partner for us.”

The FFC SK publication shares the stories of Saskatchewan producers and shows readers how today’s farmers grow crops and raise animals. It’s one of several initiatives FFC SK is working on to let industry and consumers know more about modern farm practices.

“This partnership with Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan is a logical extension of the work we do at Agro Centres and Food Stores across the Prairies,” said Ron Welke, Associate Vice-President, Food, at FCL. “Agriculture remains a vital part of the communities we call home and we are proud to help farmers meet their business and agronomic needs. These producers, in turn, produce safe and fresh products that help feed families across Western Canada and the world.”

Co-op Food Stores regularly offer between 300 and 500 products produced by local ranchers, farmers and food manufacturers. These products can be identified by Grown at Home, Raised at Home and Produced at Home labels on display in stores.

More details on this and other Agriculture Month activities are available on

SOURCE: Federated Co-operatives Limited


Co-op Food Stores across Saskatchewan will distribute the Real Dirt on Farming publication in grocery bags
Co-op Food Stores across Saskatchewan will distribute the Real Dirt on Farming publication in grocery bags
EPR Retail News