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Coconut Water: Nature’s Perfect Hydrator

Coconut water, also called coconut juice, is the clear liquid found inside a young, green coconut. Don’t mix it up with coconut milk, which is made by adding water to shredded coconut. As the coconut gets older, the water turns into coconut meat.

Coconut water is full of carbohydrates and electrolytes like potassium, sodium, and magnesium. It’s a natural way to get several important minerals. One cup (240 ml) has 44 calories, 10.4 grams of carbohydrates, and 9.6 grams of sugar.

The health benefits of coconut water come from its high levels of electrolytes, including potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Potassium is a key mineral and electrolyte that our bodies need for muscles to work. One cup of coconut water has about 19.2 milligrams of calcium. Many people don’t get enough calcium, and not having enough can lead to problems like low bone density, bone loss, and bones that break more easily.

One sample tested by the USDA had 6 milligrams of magnesium in a 100-milliliter serving of coconut water. Magnesium does a lot in the body, like making protein, controlling blood sugar and blood pressure, and helping muscles and nerves work.

Coconut water might have antioxidant properties. Animal research has shown that coconut water has antioxidants that might help change free radicals so they don’t cause harm. But, no studies have been done yet on humans and the antioxidant power of coconut water.

In recent years, many athletes have started to drink coconut water instead of sugary sports drinks. It has also become a popular drink for people with a stomach bug or serious dehydration.

In the end, while coconut water might have some health benefits, it’s important to not drink too much of it because it has a lot of sugar. We need more research to fully understand what happens when we drink coconut water regularly.

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