Leading online voucher codes website DiscountVouchers.co.uk is helping people to do up their homes for the New Year – thanks to a new batch of codes and vouchers which can help them to save on floors, tiling and much more at leading DIY store Homebase.
The DiscountVouchers.co.uk website is currently home to a whole new raft of bargain Homebase voucher codes, and including in these new deals is the chance to save on top quality flooring and tiling too. Shoppers can right now enjoy a third off tiling and flooring from Homebase.
Other value for money deals are on show on the DiscountVouchers.co.uk site right now amongst the new Homebase discount codes. Shoppers can currently log on to the site and browse to find deals including a big value 15% off furniture, fitted bedrooms, bathrooms and kitchens valued over £150.
Simon Terry, spokesperson for DiscountVouchers.co.uk, said, “Our deals that we list on our site exist to help people save money on top brands and names across all sorts of retail sectors, and thanks to us updating the site all the time we are able to offer people the very latest Homebase deals to save on home refurbishment and DIY.”
DiscountVouchers.co.uk offers people money saving deals at both major high street brands and specialist retailers, including stores like Tesco, Marks & Spencer, Sainsbury’s, Travelodge, First Choice, lastminute.com and Boden.
Via EPR Network
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