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ICSC and Goldman Sachs Weekly Chain Store Sales Index increased 4.2% for the week ending August 23 compared to the prior year

NEW YORK, 2014-8-27 — /EPR Retail News/ — The International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) and Goldman Sachs Weekly Chain Store Sales Index increased 4.2% for the week ending August 23 – relative to the prior year. On a week-over-week basis, sales increased 0.6%.

“According to the ICSC-GS consumer tracking survey business was strong across the board – especially for wholesale clubs, apparel stores, discounters, dollar stores, and furniture stores – as consumers continued their back-to-school shopping,” said Michael Niemira, ICSC research consultant. “I expect sales for August to show a healthy gain of 4-5% – a notable improvement over the 3.6% gain in August 2013,” he added.

Next week’s release will be on Wednesday September 3 due to the Labor Day Holiday.

Fiscal month sales for August will be reported on September 4.

Week Ending        Index 1977=100          Year/Year Change                Weekly Change
23-Aug-14                 571.7                             4.2%                                  0.6%
16-Aug-14                 568.5                             3.8%                                 -1.3%
09-Aug-14                 576.1                             3.2%                                 -1.4%
02-Aug-14                 584.2                             4.5%                                  0.2%
26-Jul-14                   583.2                             4.6%                                  0.2%
Founded in 1957, ICSC is the premier global trade association of the shopping center industry. Its more than 67,000 members in over 100 countries include shopping center owners, developers, managers, marketing specialists, investors, retailers and brokers, as well as academics and public officials. For more information, visit


Contact: Jesse Tron
+1 646-728-3814

EPR Retail News