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Ahold included in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Indices (DJSI) for the sixth consecutive year

Zaandam, the Netherlands, 2014-9-11 — /EPR Retail News/ — Ahold’s position as a responsible retailer has been confirmed, following its inclusion on the Dow Jones Sustainability World Indices (DJSI).

Published today, the ranking recognizes the progress that Ahold has made in recent years with its Reshaping Retail strategy. Ahold scored an average of 75 (out of 100) in the Food & Staples Retailing sector in 2014 – improving on last year’s 74, and compared to an industry average of 48, with the sector lead scoring 76. This is the sixth consecutive year that Ahold has been included on the DJSI.

The company scored particularly high in a number of areas, including supply chain management practices, carbon emissions and waste reduction programs, and its active contribution to the health and safety of associates by offering multiple health and well-being programs.

Ahold CEO Dick Boer commented: “Responsible retailing is a fundamental element of our Reshaping Retail strategy and today’s recognition, which should make all of our 220,000 associates proud, fuels our ambition to be a better place to shop, a better place to work and a better neighbor, every day.”

Launched in 1999 as the first global sustainability benchmarks, the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices track the performance of the world’s leading companies in terms of economic, environmental and social criteria. The indices serve as benchmarks for investors who integrate sustainability considerations into their portfolios, and provide an effective engagement platform for companies who want to adopt sustainable best practices.


Ahold included in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Indices (DJSI) for the sixth consecutive year

EPR Retail News