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British Retail Consortium subsidiary On-Pack Recycling Label Ltd short-listed as a finalist in the 2015 National Recycling Awards

LONDON, 2015-4-6 — /EPR Retail News/ — The On-Pack Recycling Label Ltd has been short-listed as a finalist in the 2015 National Recycling Awards, recognising the increasing contribution the labelling system makes in promoting recycling in the UK.

As the not-for-profit scheme enters its seventh year of operations it’s celebrating double recognition for its work. Not only is OPRL a finalist in the Retailer/Service Sector Recycler of the Year category of the National Recycling Awards, it was recently honoured with a Bronze Zero Waste Award for its achievements during 2014.

Jane Bevis, Chair of OPRL Ltd, said: “We’re thrilled to be finalists in the prestigious National Recycling Awards. OPRL is now coming of age as the label is seen on tens of thousands of product lines and is recognised by 6 in 10 consumers. Householders tell us they act on our label – 7 in 10 checking the label follow the advice either to recycle or put packaging in waste, depending on the material. No other label gives you that information, but it’s vital in ensuring contaminant-free recyclate can then be used to make new packaging or products.”

“Coming so soon after we received our Bronze Zero Waste Award in March makes it doubly exciting as it shows our peers across the recycling sector recognise the contribution OPRL is making. So many enquiries and reports identify consumer engagement as the key to closing the packaging resource loop and our labels achieve this in ways other schemes simply can’t.”

“A huge thanks must go to all our members who’ve done so much to get the label onto packaging and worked to provide in-store and bring bank facilities where kerbside collections are not available. They’re our recycling heroes.”

Notes to Editors:
1) The scheme is operated by On-Pack Recycling Label Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of the British Retail Consortium, under licence from WRAP. WRAP provides technical support and measures local authorities’ recycling capabilities determining the labelling category for each packaging material.

2) The label has three categories which tell consumers how likely it is that their local authority accepts a particular packaging material for recycling. The categories are:
– Widely recycled (75% or more of local authorities collect that material).
– Check local recycling (between 20% and 75% of local authorities collect that material).
– Not currently recycled (less than 20% of local authorities collect that material).

3) The winners of the NRA Retailer/Service Sector Recycler of the Year will be announced at the MRW National Recycling Awards 2015 on Wednesday 1 July 2015 at the London Hilton.

4) The 2014 Zero Waste Award winners were announced in March and will be awarded at a ceremony at Coombe Abbey in Warwickshire on Thursday 9 April 2015.

5) The On-Pack Recycling Label Ltd is a supporter of the National Recycling Awards 2015.

6) A full list of OPRL scheme members is available at Further information at

Media Contacts: Jane Bevis on 07585 047457

EPR Retail News