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Exploring the Complex Reasons Behind Weight Gain

Here’s a concise overview of some common causes of weight gain:

  1. Medication: Certain medications, such as antipsychotics, antidepressants, and corticosteroids, can lead to weight fluctuations. If you experience rapid weight gain, consult your doctor before discontinuing any medication¹.
  2. Insomnia: Lack of sleep affects your circadian rhythm, influencing appetite hormones and energy needs. Children, adolescents, and adults who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to have weight issues¹.
  3. Quitting Smoking: Nicotine suppresses appetite, so when you quit smoking, you might feel hungrier and eat more. On average, people gain around 4.1 kg in the 5 years after quitting¹.
  4. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): PCOS, an endocrine disorder, often leads to insulin resistance and weight gain. Regular exercise and a healthy diet can help manage weight in PCOS¹.
  5. Heart Failure: Rapid weight gain or localized swelling (edema) may occur due to fluid retention in heart failure patients¹.
  6. Kidney Problems: Kidney disease can cause fluid retention and weight gain. It’s essential to address kidney health to prevent complications¹.
  7. Cirrhosis: Liver disease can lead to fluid buildup in the abdomen, causing weight gain. Cirrhosis patients should follow medical advice¹.
  8. Thyroid Disorders: Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) can slow metabolism, leading to weight gain. Proper management is crucial¹.
  9. Cushing’s Syndrome: Excessive cortisol production (often due to tumors) can cause weight gain, especially around the face and abdomen¹.
  10. Acromegaly: A rare condition where excess growth hormone leads to gradual weight gain and changes in body proportions¹.
  11. Ovarian Cancer: Unexplained weight gain, along with other symptoms, may indicate ovarian cancer. Early detection is vital¹.

Remember that short-term weight fluctuations are normal, but persistent or sudden changes should prompt a conversation with your healthcare provider. 

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