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How to Use a Blood Sugar Monitor Effectively and Safely

A blood sugar monitor is a tool that checks how much sugar is in your blood. It can help you take care of your diabetes and stop problems. There are different kinds of blood sugar monitors, like:

  • Invasive monitors: These need a little bit of blood from your finger or another place on your body. You put a test strip in the monitor and add the blood sample. The monitor then shows your blood sugar level on a screen. Some examples of invasive monitors are the Contour Next One¹ and the Rite Aid TrueMetrix Meter².
  • Noninvasive monitors: These do not need any blood. They use light, sound, or electricity to check your blood sugar level through your skin. But these monitors are not easy to find and may not be as right as invasive monitors. One example of a noninvasive monitor is the GlucoTrack³.
  • Continuous glucose monitors (CGMs): These use a small sensor that goes under your skin. The sensor checks your blood sugar level every few minutes and sends the data to a receiver or a phone app. You can see your blood sugar changes and get warnings if your level is too high or too low. Some examples of CGMs are the Dexcom G6⁴, the FreeStyle Libre, and the Guardian Connect System.

To use a blood sugar monitor, you need to do what the device tells you. You also need to set up your monitor often and see if it is right with a lab test. You should write down your blood sugar levels in a log sheet or an app, and show them to your doctor. You can use this information to change your food, exercise, medicine, and other things that affect your blood sugar level.

Blood sugar monitors can help you control your diabetes and stay away from serious health problems. You should ask your doctor about which kind of monitor is good for you and how often you should check your blood sugar level.

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