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Bodybuilder Arms: The Anatomy, Exercises, and Tips You Need to Know

Bodybuilder arms are the outcome of hard work, good food, and gene power. Bodybuilder arms have three main muscle groups: the biceps, the triceps, and the forearms. Each muscle group has its own job and shape, and needs specific exercises and ways to grow fully.

  • Biceps: The biceps are the muscles on the front of the top arm, in charge of bending the elbow and turning the forearm. The biceps have two parts: the long part and the short part. The long part starts from the top bone of the shoulder blade, and the short part starts from the hook-like bone of the shoulder blade. Both parts end at the round bone of the lower arm. The best exercises for the biceps are curls, which can be done with different things, such as barbells, dumbbells, cables, or machines. Curls can also be done with different holds, such as palms up, palms in, or palms down, to work different parts of the biceps.
  • Triceps: The triceps are the muscles on the back of the top arm, in charge of straightening the elbow and moving the arm in. The triceps have three parts: the long part, the side part, and the middle part. The long part starts from the bottom bone of the shoulder blade, the side part starts from the back bone of the upper arm above the groove, and the middle part starts from the back bone of the upper arm below the groove. All three parts end at the pointy bone of the lower arm. The best exercises for the triceps are extensions, which can be done with different things, such as barbells, dumbbells, cables, or machines. Extensions can also be done with different angles, such as over the head, in front of the face, or behind the back, to work different parts of the triceps.
  • Forearms: The forearms are the muscles on the lower part of the arm, in charge of bending and straightening the wrist and fingers, and turning the forearm. The forearms have many muscles, split into two groups: the benders and the straighteners. The benders are on the front (palm) side of the forearm, and the straighteners are on the back (dorsal) side of the forearm. The best exercises for the forearms are wrist curls and wrist extensions, which can be done with different things, such as barbells, dumbbells, or machines. Wrist curls and extensions can also be done with different holds, such as palms up, palms in, or palms down, to work different parts of the forearms.

These are some of the basic things about bodybuilder arms. You can find more things and tips from the web search results¹²³.

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