Colruyt Group’s energy producer and supplier chooses cooperations
Halle, Belgium, 2015-11-20 — /EPR Retail News/ — Colruyt Group’s internal energy producer and supplier renamed itself Eoly instead of the former WE-Power. Eoly will continue to develop the production of green power by means of wind turbines and solar panels. In this way, Colruyt Group will be able to meet its own energy needs and reduce its market dependence. Eoly will also start participations allowing citizens to become co-owners of a wind turbine. The name Eoly appears for the first time on the turbines in Lot (Laekebeek) that were inaugurated today.
Partnership and participation
Eoly wants to expand the production farm and invest in innovative forms of energy production and storage. The energy expert wants to guarantee its internal customers a stable sustainable energy supply at the lowest cost. Eoly also wants to help them use energy sustainably, a/o by measuring consumption and making suggestions to save energy.
Finally, Eoly wants to give citizens the opportunity to invest in future wind turbine projects. It will be possible for neighbours as well as co-workers and customers to buy shares and become co-owners of a wind turbine, and receive an annual fee for it.
11 turbines early 2016
The new turbines at Laekebeek supply their power directly to the adjoining distribution centre. With 2 MW each they produce enough electricity to cover the consumption of 2,900 households, thus reducing CO2 emissions by 3,100 tonnes a year. Eoly will presently start to use another new turbine in Sint-Pieters-Leeuw, near the Brussels-Charleroi canal. At the beginning of 2016 another turbine will be added on the Colruyt Group Fine Food Meat site in Halle. This one will supply electricity directly to the meat-processing plant. Eoly’s wind farm will then include 11 turbines. Permits to build 8 turbines in the Hainaut province were also applied for.
Solar panels and cogeneration
Apart from the wind turbines, Eoly also operates solar panels on 43 sites, the recently started cogeneration installation and the hydrogen station at Dassenveld. Eoly supplies to different companies and production departments in the group and to independent Spar and Alvo stores. Today, the production covers about 15 % of Colruyt Group’s consumption, the rest is bought on the wholesale market. In time, Eoly wants to produce sufficient green energy to cover the whole group’s power needs.
More info:
Jan Derom
+32 (0)2 363 55 45
+32 (0)473 92 45 10
SOURCE: Colruyt Group